B Corps are Maine’s future
(Photo above courtesy of iBec Creative)
Let’s create a purpose-driven economy in Maine together.
Maine B Corps Exists to:
Create Connections
We actively collaborate with each other and build the B Corp community in Maine.
Increase Collective Impact
We share resources and best practices to create more good in Maine.
Support Existing B Corps
We are advocates for B Corps, which includes moving legislation forward to support B Corps.
Support Aspiring B Corps
We are a resource to businesses that are applying for B Corp certification.
Enhance Community
We are building a network of community members that are passionate about B Corps.
Educate Consumers
We believe in educating our community about the benefits of buying from a B Corp certified company.
“By becoming a B Corp, our goal was to measure the impact of our Mission and our Values and to provide ourselves with new insight into ways we can contribute to the vibrancy of our communities.”
– Androscoggin Bank
Our Maine B Corps Leadership Circle
We’re a B Corp Champions Group. Our leadership team meets once a month to discuss what’s going on in the Maine B Corp community, plan events, and share updates with our Maine B Corp Community.
Todd Bachelder, Mascoma Bank
Ben Conniff, Luke’s Lobster
Benn Marine, Campfire Consulting
Fiona Wilson, University of New Hampshire
Becca Darr, Big Acts
Jeremy Litchfield, Big Acts
Jacqueline Goodwin Schlotterbeck, Energy Circle
Isabelle Barton, Back Cove Financial
Emily Ambrose, Energy Circle
About B Corps
Certified B Corporations are part of a growing movement of people using business as a force for good. Across a variety of industries and around the world, these companies are putting people and the planet before profits and redefining what it means to be successful in business.
This diverse community is constantly evolving and often surprising. Though B Corp Certification originated in the U.S., there are now more B Corps operating outside the U.S. And while many people are most familiar with B Corps who sell consumer product goods, the majority of the community is actually made up of B2B companies.
Across borders and cultures, these companies have all signed a commitment not just to do less harm, but to do more good, and they accelerate their positive impact by partnering with fellow B Corps. Here are a few more facts and talking points about this global community:
“Becoming a Certified B Corporation was an important affirmation of how we do business — knowing how our decisions impact everything around us.”
– Alan Spear, Co-Owner & Founder, Coffee by Design
“It’s humbling to work at a company that takes care of its people. You can really feel that at Allagash. From the inclusive culture to employee benefits…
it’s clear that they value our ideas and work and support us as people. This is a place where all employees are encouraged to speak up with their perspective, and that in turn has created some pretty innovative ideas at the brewery, including our pilot beer system—where any employee can suggest a new beer idea—and the creation of our Green Team back in 2008.”
-Brett Willis, Marketing Specialist, Allagash Brewing Company
"GWI became a B Corp because it was an independent validation of our company's values. Not only did the process confirm who we are, but it challenged us…
to expand those commitments further throughout our organization, our customers and the communities that we serve. As an employee, being a B Corp means that I have faith and trust that GWI is going to consider me in addition to the bottom line. As GWI's Vice President of People & Culture it provides me with an endorsement of our vision and culture when speaking with employment candidates."
-Heather Kelley, Vice President of People & Culture at GWI
Allagash has always been committed to supporting our employees, enriching our community, caring for our environment, and continuing to brew…
high-quality beer. We considered becoming a B Corp because we’re always looking for ways to improve how our brewery operates. The entire certification process helped us qualify and quantify what we were already committed to doing, and continues to help us to grow as a brewery and a business and use beer as a force for good. We’re really proud to have been the first brewery in Maine to earn the B Corp designation.”
-Allagash Brewing
"Initially I was interested in working for Wicked Joe Coffee because they were a company that
was Certified Organic.When I found out they were also a B Corp Certified company I was even
more excited to be in a workplace environment that created an amazing product while striving
to make a positive impact on this planet. I was finally working for a company that not only
recognized and valued all it’s employees, it was also taking action to create a more sustainable
future! Now that I know the rigors of becoming a B Corp business and the powerful statement it
makes, working here gives me a sense of purpose and PRIDE. I appreciate being able to
contribute every day to making my world a better place for today and tomorrow."-Beth Harrington, Assistant Production Manager at Wicked Joe